Celebration of 90 years with IARU

Írta: Magyar Rádióamatőr Szövetség. Beküldve: Hírek


Celebration of 90 years with International Amateur Radio Union


On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of IARU, Danish radio amateurs will be QRV with a special event call, OZ9ØIARU, in the period from January 1st until December 31st, 2015

All bands inclusive WARC-bands and all modes may be used. Exceptions are cross-mode, cross-band contacts and contacts via repeater and echo-link.


All QSOs will be verified via LoTW and eQSL.

  • Paper QSL may be requested via http://www.clublog.org/logsearch/OZ90IARU - Please click on "Request QSL card" after you have searched our log. You may have QSL via Bureau for free or you can pay to get it direct via postal mail.
  • Paper QSL-request via postal mail. Please send a SAE and include 1 IRC or 3 USD to cover return postage. Please inform us with Call, date, UTC, band and mode and send your request to our QSL manager OZ0J.


IRC - must be the new type "Water of Life", valid until December 31st 2017.

QSL card with insufficient payment will be returned via bureau.
Wrong / missing QSOs can be reported to OZ0J at qsl@oz90iaru.dk

All paper QSL cards will be sent from Denmark not earlier than February 2016.


We have created an award for this special event. The rules to get our award are:

Gold award:     QSO on 4 different bands regardless the mode
Silver award:   QSO on 3 different bands regardless the mode
Bronze award: QSO on 2 different bands regardless the mode

European stations:
Gold award:     QSO on 7 different bands regardless the mode
Silver award:   QSO on 5 different bands regardless the mode
Bronze award: QSO on 3 different bands regardless the mode

All QSOs must be with the same call sign to get the award.

If you have made the needed contacts for an award you can get it by:


- Print yourself:
  Send an e-mail to award Manager OZ4CG award@oz90iaru.dk We check your QSOs in Club-log and you will, free of  charge, get an e-mail reply with the requested award attached , so you can print it out yourself.

- Laminated ready print:
  Send a letter to QSL Manager OZ0J to get the paper-award, and specify which award you want. All awards to one address cost USD 10 or 3 valid IRC to cover our costs for printing the award and for envelope and return postage.
  You may also use PayPal on our homepage www.oz90iaru.dk/award.htm

If you have any questions about our award, please contact us at award@oz90iaru.dk
Deadline for award application is December 31st 2016.

HOMEPAGE: www.oz90iaru.dk
You find more information on our homepage and also you can find an activity calendar to see when and where there will be operators On Air.

Our log will be available at www.clublog.org/logsearch/oz90iaru
Please check out that the needed QSO’s are in our log, before you send any QSL- or award request.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at webmaster@oz90iaru.dk

73 Joergen OZ0J
Chairman of the OZ9ØIARU event


QSL manager:
OZ0J Joergen Roemming
Brandelev Stationsvej 9
DK-4700 Naestved