Írta: Magyar Rádióamatőr Szövetség. Beküldve: Hírek

logo-labreThe LIGA DE RADIOAMADORES BRASILEIROS DE RÁDIO EMISSÃO - LABRE, homaging the amateur radio in general and as incentive to the practical one to collect Diplomas and the practical one of the DX, offers the diplomas below discriminated. The Diplomas could be worked in Digital, SSB, CW or Compound.

The Diploma WAB (Worked All Brazil) is available for all the amateur radio of the world that confirm contact with Brazilian stations in all the 26 (twenty six) Brazilian states and the Capital of the Country, Brasilia (PT2)

DBDX-1   WAA-1   WAB-1


The Diploma WAA (Worked All America) is available for all the amateur radio of the world that confirm contact with 45 (forty five) countries in the American geographic areas, according to official list of DXCC. One of them, obligatorily, will have that to be Brazil

The Diploma WAO (Worked Atlantic Ocean) is available for all the amateur radio of the world that confirm contacts with 21 (twenty one) countries bathed for the Atlantic Ocean and at least a situated Brazilian station in each one of its geographic regions, as to follow

1ª Region: PP1 or PY1;

2ª Region: PP2, PQ2, PT2 or PY2;

3ª Region: PY3;

4ª Region: PY4;

5ª Region: PP5 or PY5;

6ª Region: PP6 or PY6;

7ª Region: PP7, PR7, PS7, PT7 or PY7;

8ª Region: PP8, PQ8, PR8, PS8, PT8, PV8, PW8 or PY8;

9ª Region: PT9 or PY9

Oceanic islands: PY0

The Diploma DBDX (Brazilian DX Diploma) is available for all the amateur radio of the world that confirm contact with a minimum of 20 (twenty) constant different countries of the official list of the DXCC being obligatorily one of them Brazil. All the contacts must have indistinctly been done in the bands of 40, 80 and 160 meters

General norms to be obligatorily considered and that they follow the International Conventions:

All the contacted stations will be stations of hams functioning in accordance with the national and international legislation, in the authorized and/or permitted bands.

All the contacts will be with terrestrial stations, not being considered contacts with anchored ships and/or aircraft.

The LOGs must be notarized for the Director of Diplomas, a Check-point or, in the lack of these, two hams of the solicitant Country, will be evaluated conferred for the Director of Diplomas of the LABRE, accurately as they will be received. The QSL cards don't have to be sent.

All the requests will have to be sent to the address of the folloied LABRE of 10 (ten) US dollars or the equivalent in IRC for the foreign hams and a blank QSL of the petitioner.

LABRE – Award Manager

Caixa Postal 4

70351-970 Brasília-DF